< The Gaze Of Others >
My pieces consist of my gaze looking at the world and the gaze of others looking back at me. I mostly worked with the title, The Gaze of Others. When I was young, I heard, “You are so skinny! You have to gain weight.” Now I don’t care of it anymore but when I was young, I got stress a lot from it. Korea achieved rapid economic development after the Korean War. But because of this background, we always have an obsession to compete with each other and always be above average also don't allow anyone to behave differently or have a different look. Not only Koreans but also all modern people are stressed and oppressed by others’ gaze. In the limited space of the earth we are always oppressed by others. But I did not want my work to be too negative and dark. I wanted to give a positive message and a wit through my work that “You are going to be fine someday even if you are under pressure. Overlapping by transparency is really effective for my work. Each layer has a different image, but eventually it becomes one image. This represents well the intricately intertwined life of modern people. It also expresses a human relationship that is in one place but cannot be united forever.